I thought I’d celebrate the holiday weekend by taking a break and not obsess about anything in partiucular — including writing an essay!
Sue is baking something lovely in the oven while I’m defrosting my feet after digging the car out of the snow. Soon we will head down to Harry’s Hardware for a Saturday edition of the oldtime jam session.
Here’s wishing you and yours a healthy, peaceful and loving time with family and friends. ❤️
As a post script… My favorite music of the week is this song from Chris Wood. Enjoy!
That Chris Wood piece is amazing. I like his other songs, including "Come Down Jehovah" and "You May Stand Mute", that he calls atheist hymns; to me, though, I hear a search for meaning in the universe in the words of those songs, in his singing and in his guitar playing. If that isn't some kind of spiritual faith, I don't know what is. I read in Richard Dawkins' books his unlimited wonder over the expanse and diversity of living creation, too. We just don't agree on the terminology and the symbolism, perhaps. Or not.
Hi Dana: This is Pat Hudson in Knoxville. (LEAF, to jog your memory.) I'm trying to get in touch with a mutual acquaintance. I tried your robinsongs email but it bounced back. I'd really appreciate it if you would email me at Patricia.L.Hudson@gmail.com and I'll explain what's up. Thanks!